Casual Friday: A World of Warcraft Mythic+ community dedicated to providing a friendly, no-pressure atmosphere for all skill levels of players.

At Casual Friday, we’re more than just a World of Warcraft Mythic+ community; we’re a warm and welcoming haven for players of all skill levels who share an unwavering enthusiasm for conquering the game’s demanding dungeons, the spirit of camaraderie, and, most importantly, the pursuit of good times.


We aim to provide a safe and welcoming space for players to learn, build confidence, and hone their skills, free of judgment and toxicity. Whether you’re a seasoned Mythic+ veteran or a newcomer to the game, you’ll find a place to call home among us.



Our primary aim is to foster a tight-knit community of like-minded players who enjoy tackling mythic+ dungeons together. We firmly believe that gaming is at its best when it’s shared with friends, and we’re here to be those friends.



Inclusivity is at the heart of Casual Friday. We are unwavering in our commitment to creating a diverse, welcoming environment where players of all backgrounds and skill levels can come together to share their love for Mythic+ content. We foster teamwork and mutual support, making everyone feel valued and included.



We understand that while we cherish a relaxed approach to gaming, we also recognize the desire for improvement. Our community offers ample opportunities for players to learn, grow, and make strides in Mythic+ dungeons while achieving their goals.



Ultimately, we’re here for the sheer joy of it all. We organize events, embark on epic dungeon key runs, and experience the thrill of Mythic+ with laughter and great company. We treasure the social aspect of gaming and strive to make Casual Friday your World of Warcraft home.

Casual Friday runs events that are designed to cater to everyone, from novice players to seasoned veterans. We believe in creating an inclusive gaming environment where all members can join in the fun, enjoy exciting challenges, and make memorable experiences together. Our diverse range of events ensures there’s something for everyone to participate in and have a blast.


Check out our events at the Community Info page.

Join Casual Friday

Communication primarily happens through our Discord server, but we also maintain a cross-faction guild on Area 52 and an in-game community to facilitate connections. Our events are designed to be inclusive, so you don’t need to be in the guild, on the same server, or even on the same faction to participate.

Join Discord