Must-have talents

Another great benefit of The War Within prepatch is the expansion of the number of saved talent specs you can have on each character. Again, I have not intensively tested every single class and spec, but for the ones that I have tested, I rank them as follows:

  1. Havoc Demon Hunter
  2. Enhancement Shaman
  3. Feral Druid
  4. Windwalker Monk
  5. Retribution Paladin
  6. Frost Death Knight

I will give rogues an honorable mention, I just don’t have a max level one to test until Remix ends next week. Their speed and stealth will likely make them a top 3 candidate for transmog farming. In this section, I will go through the must-have talents and tips I have found for each class that I’ve tested. If you’re trying to figure out what talents to take, I like to use the talent search function for keywords like “speed” and “movement” to easily spot talents I might try to incorporate into my spec. For 90% of farming content, the damage you deal does not matter, so don’t worry about a suboptimal talent build.

Havoc Demon Hunter

Since demon hunter movement is so engrained into their damage, there’s a ton of talents to take here. All of them have a purpose. The keys are to keep fel rush, vengeful retreat, metamorphosis, netherwalk and the Hunt on cooldown. Meta and netherwalk reset on boss kill, so use religiously. You can even throw in fel blade for some quick jumps, too. Exiting meta gives you a free charge of fel rush, so use eye beam to enter meta and cancel the cast to keep moving. There’s also lots of spots where being able to slow fall at will is super useful.

I also highlighted some throw glaive talents that come in handy, too, since it’s your only reliable ranged spell.

Enhancement Shaman

I really like shaman for mog farming since ghost wolf is very fast and very low maintenance. It also kind of stacks with other movement speed abilities like spirit walk and wind rush totem. Taking ancestral wolf affinity lets you cast totems while in ghost wolf, which you can then move to extend the speed duration. In really low level raids, I just auto attack bosses so I don’t lose my movement speed buff.

Feral Druid

Please don’t judge the spec tree. Talents have been reset since I last played my character, so it was totally fabricated. Nevertheless, the class tree contains all the speed buff talents. Remember that you can use wild charge from stealth and it does not take you out of stealth. I also highlighted the sunfire AoE talent, which is highly useful to 1-shot packs of mobs. A 1 minute cooldown on stampeding roar is also nice.

Windwalker Monk

Again, please don’t judge the spec tree here. I haven’t spent any time on this character since the 8/12 talent reset, but I am excited that whirling dragon punch is back on the menu! Keep chi torpedo and tiger’s lust on cooldown. You can also use the new clash to close some distances, and the new double jump after roll/torpedo is just fun. I highlighted transcendence, which can be used in boss rooms where you know you’ll have to exit the same direction.

Retribution Paladin

Sensing a trend of a lot of reset talents, but this one isn’t as bad. Not many talents to choose from, but just keep divine steed and blessing of freedom on cooldown. You can use judgement for a little extra speed at the expense of pulling trash you don’t need. I highlighted blessing of protection because it negates fall damage. I also highlighted tempest of the lightbringer, which projects your divine storm forward, handy for cleaning up trash in lines.

Frost Death Knight

Not a lot going on in movement for death nights. You do get +20% mounted speed passively, which is nice. Keep death’s advance and wraith walk on cooldown. I chose frost because blasting packs with howling blast is very easy and casting Big Sindy (Frostwyrm’s Fury) on bosses is just fun. This would probably be ranked dead last if I played all the classes for farming. I’ve just been farming on mine in WoD and Legion because the appearances are so cool, but are some of the few raids that do not drop tier tokens.