
Mythic+ Resources

M+ Guides


This is a list of some of the addons that we recommend to help you succeed in Mythic+.

The most customizable nameplate that shows quite a bit of useful info. Can head over to Wago for some preset configs. Recommend Quazii or whiiskeyz.

Can do everything and anything with this. Browse over at Wago for everything available. WeakAuras Guide

Lightweight addon to track party cooldowns and interrupts.

BigWigs and LittleWigs Bossmods
Boss encounter add-ons for raids, 5 man and solo content.

M+ Timer with great features, accuracy, and customizability, as well as wrapping everything in a minimalist and modern design.

Details! Damage Meter
Most powerful, reliable, handsome, damage meter for World of Warcraft.

An addon that keeps track of the instance/raid lockouts saved against your characters, and related currencies and cooldowns.

A must for anyone with a stable of alts. Probably the addon I’ve talked about the most, you’ll see plenty of it on the discord. Customize the data to show as much or as little as you want and easily access all of it from a web interface.

Simplifies the process of generating a Simulationcraft profile for your character.

Astral Keys
Shows keys for guild members, Battle Net friends and alts.

Premade Group Finder
Changes the UI on the default grouper finder to make it easier to see M+ group comps and additional filters.

Weak Auras

This is a list of some of the weak auras that we recommend to help you succeed in Mythic+. Can do everything and anything with weak auras. Browse over at Wago for everything available. WeakAuras Guide

Raid and Dungeon Ability Timeline
A replacement of the DBM and BigWigs default timer bars, with lots of customization options. You will still need either DBM or BigWigs installed for it to work. This WA simply hijacks DBM/BW timers and makes its own timers.

Cursor GCD
Circle around cursor for better visibility. Only shows in combat and will show global cooldown. Change colors for it in display under foreground and background.

Spell CDs on Nameplates
This aura will show you the cooldown of spells next to their nameplate. Great to track when an ability is coming from a trash mob.

Mythic+ Key Levels
Adds more detailed overview of your highest fortified and tyrannical dungeons. Simply so you don’t need to go to the website each time you trying to figure out which keys to look out for this week.

M+ Affix Talent Reminder
This WeakAura reminds you during a ready check if it is advised to select a particular talent due to the dungeon or affix requirements. Applies only to talents that you have not already selected.

DF Dungeons w/ Sound
Dungeon pack for abilities. Great in addition to LittleWigs.

Mythic+ AoE CC Rotation
Tracks the cooldown on your party members’ AoE CC abilities, and shows the next two to use based on a priority system.

Websites & Discords

This is a list of some of the weak auras that we recommend to help you succeed in Mythic+. Can do everything and anything with weak auras. Browse over at Wago for everything available. WeakAuras Guide
Mythic+ and Raid Progression rankings

Mythic Stats
 Average and top DPS parses for Mythic+ keys filtered by dungeon.

Keystone Guru
Mythic route info and planning.

Community website for sharing Mythic+ tips and tricks.

Analyzes Warcraft Logs to show builds and gear of key runners.

Key and Heal
Healer focused site with information on all dungeon spells and abilities. Some great all around dungeon guides as well.

Sim yourself to see what your top gear is. For M+, we always recommend simming 5 targets for 5 minutes patchwerk. Dungeon slice is not very accurate. 

Quick sim data for different classes
Affixes & General M+ Info

Class Discords

Death Knight – Acherus
Evoker – Wyrmrest Temple
Demon Hunter – The Fel Hammer
Druid – Dreamgrove
Hunter – Trueshot Lodge
Mage – Altered Time
Monk – Peak of Serenity
Paladin – Hammer of Wrath
Priest – Warcraft Priests
Priest – Focused Will
Rogue – Ravenholdt
Shaman – Earthshrine
Shaman – Ancestral Guidance (Resto)
Warlock – Council of the Black Harvest
Warrior – Skyhold